About me
Hi, My name is Marije Baan. I come from the Netherlands, but we moved to Norway in 2019. We are living in the beautiful valley Gudbrandsdalen.
I love animals, especially horses and dogs, so that’s where my choice came from to become an equine and dog photographer. I truly believe that you can achieve great things if you do something you love.
Love and connection are the main things I’m looking for in my photographs. At marijebaan photography you can find my work as a wedding photographer.

Norway <3
In Oktober 2019 we moved from NL to Norway. With we, I mean, Gerben; my husband and our two labradors Miep and Puck!
We dreamed of this move for 7 years, because we love the nature, seasons and the people. Norway also gives us the opportunity to live in a house with some land and beautiful views. We hope to find a nice little gård, where I can have a horse again.
Now that we live here, we like it even better than we could have ever imagined!

My mother always tells me that; ‘HORSE’, was the first word I could say!
That love never stopped! I have had horses for 15 years. Unfortunately I had to sell my last horse 10 years ago. But now that we live in Norway, there might be a possibility again. I would love to have a horse to enjoy and train out in nature! I hope this dream will come true!

Dogs <3
I grew up with dogs. We had wirehaired dachshunds at home. My dog Ollie did everything for me. I walked him around in my neighbourhood in a doll baby car. As soon as my sister tried this he jumped out ;-p
As soon as we could we got our own dog. A chocolate labrador named Puck.
Miep came 5 years later and is our very sweet girl!
With Moments Like this Photography, I get to be around the animals I love the most and meet all kinds of very nice people as well.